
Impact of the Smokefree Class Competition – 2

The Society for Prevention Research1 published standards to assist practitioners, policy makers, and administrators to determine which interventions are efficacious, which are effective, and which are ready for dissemination. The Smokefree Class Competition meets these standards and is therefore suitable to “go to scale”. Process evaluation Several process evaluation studies have been carried out in […]

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IFT-Nord: Guestbook SFC

          What do YOU have to say ?       page: [previous page] 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  [next page] haschi 03.06.2002 click here for a comment good idea …i do not smoke and i’m from gemany karin 27.05.2002 click here for a comment super gits diä siite au in dütsch??????? BIG DAD

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Guestbook – 12

          What do YOU have to say ?       page: [previous page] 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  [next page] haschi 03.06.2002 click here for a comment good idea …i do not smoke and i’m from gemany karin 27.05.2002 click here for a comment super gits diä siite au in dütsch??????? BIG DAD

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Guestbook – 6

          What do YOU have to say ?       page: [previous page] 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  [next page] haschi 03.06.2002 click here for a comment good idea …i do not smoke and i’m from gemany karin 27.05.2002 click here for a comment super gits diä siite au in dütsch??????? BIG DAD

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Smoking and youth

Epidemiology of smoking Smoking remains the single most preventable cause of disease morbidity and mortality worldwide1 and young adolescence is the age at which young people start to experiment with tobacco products. Studies show a dramatic increase in smoking between puberty and young adulthood.2 The early onset of smoking is one of the most important

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Guestbook – 7

          What do YOU have to say ?       page: [previous page] 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  [next page] haschi 03.06.2002 click here for a comment good idea …i do not smoke and i’m from gemany karin 27.05.2002 click here for a comment super gits diä siite au in dütsch??????? BIG DAD

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Guestbook – 9

          What do YOU have to say ?       page: [previous page] 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  [next page] haschi 03.06.2002 click here for a comment good idea …i do not smoke and i’m from gemany karin 27.05.2002 click here for a comment super gits diä siite au in dütsch??????? BIG DAD

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Main objectives of the Smokefree Class Competition are to contribute to the reduction of smoking related disease morbidity and mortality by: de-normalising smoking in youth delaying or preventing the onset of smoking in youth preventing the transition from experimental to regular smoking engaging young people to reflect tobacco industry strategies and the economic, health and

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Youth conferences – 2

Two European Youth Conferences on Smoking Prevention were carried out in the year 2000 in Berlin, Germany and in 2002 in Munich, Germany. The conferences intended to engage and to involve young people from all over Europe in smoking prevention issues and to encourage them to decide on, or to continue with, a smoke-free life

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A European school-based smoking prevention programme Allgemeines Die IFT-Nord gGmbH, Institut für Therapie- und Gesundheitsforschung gemeinnützige GmbH, Harmsstraße 2, 24114 Kiel, ist verantwortlich im Sinne der Europäischen Datenschutzgrundverordnung (DSGVO) für die Datenverarbeitung auf dieser Website. Wir achten Ihre Persönlichkeitsrechte. Wir wissen um die Bedeutung persönlicher Daten, die wir von Ihnen als Nutzer unserer Website erhalten.

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